Best HIPAA Compliant Texting App for Medical Professionals & Therapists

10 months ago

The idea of a messaging or texting app seems simple. But the use cases are very personal.

When it deploys in healthcare settings, privacy and security concerns raise tenfold.

Every messaging app claims to be the most secure app as they have end-to-end encryption.

However, not every one of them claims to have a HIPAA-compliant texting app just like us.

A Quick Overview of Our HIPAA-Compliant Texting App

We recently launched a white-label telehealth platform.

In other words, it is a ready-to-use app that we customize according to your unique text messaging app needs.

For example, 

You have requirements for HIPAA secure text messaging for healthcare.

And we have a ready-to-use platform.

Now what we’ll do is – remove the video conferencing part and implement your unique workflow needs for a secure texting app.

Meaning, you’ll acquire an app that is specifically designed for you.

Rather say, you’ll get full freedom over the app.

What makes it special is that – it is flexible for any healthcare practice.

So whether you are a general healthcare practitioner or mental health therapist, our HIPAA-compliant messaging app is the one-stop solution for your all needs.

For better understanding, here are the real-screen images of its admin, patient, and provider panels.

1. Super Admin

HIPAA compliant texting app for healthcare admin side panel
CTA live demo admin


  • Username: 
  • Password: Admin@123 
  • OTP (2-factor authorization code): 123456

2. Provider Panel

HIPAA compliant texting app for healthcare professionals

3. Patient Panel

Patient side features for HIPAA compliant texting app
CTA to live demo of patient and provider

(Note: Username and passwords are auto-filled here.)

Top Use Cases of Our HIPAA-Compliant Texting App in Healthcare Settings

As we said earlier, our HIPAA-compliant communication platform is compatible with any healthcare needs.

So, here sharing top use cases. 

  • Chat-based teleconsultation 
  • Patient onboarding 
  • Appointment booking
  • Free self-care guide 
  • Reminders via SMS and email
  • Instant medical assistance in non-emergency situations 
  • Medical image sharing 
  • Medical reports sharing 
  • Internal and external healthcare communication and collaboration 
  • HIPAA compliant document storage
  • ePrescribing

Different Healthcare Specialists who can Easily Capitalize on Our HIPAA-Compliant Messaging App 

The best part of our HIPAA-compliant texting app is that – it can easily be deployed in any healthcare environment to bridge the gap between providers, staff, and patients. 

The following are top such healthcare environments. 

  • Walk-in clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Wellness and nutrition clinics
  • Medical labs
  • Clinical trial sites
  • Chronic care clinics
  • Nursing homes
  • Mental health clinics
  • Physiotherapy centers
  • Cosmetic surgery facilities
  • Vision centers
  • Dental clinics
  • Pharmacies
  • Home care agencies

How We Make our HIPAA-Compliant Texting App Secure and Private to be Used in Any Healthcare Setting? 

It is not easy for any ordinary IT company to decode the complexity of a compliant app.

Because they either lack knowledge of healthcare-specific privacy & security concerns or follow the wrong process.

But as a healthcare-specific IT company, addressing the compliance complexity is a catwalk for us!

Because we only perform health tech projects for startups, hospitals, clinics, and individuals.

For that, we have a dedicated team of business, technical, and compliance experts.

With their combined 250+ years of experience, we have made our white-label solution secure and private enough so that it can be used in any healthcare setting.

Below is the entire process that we followed to make our white-label solution HIPAA-compliant.

Best HIPAA compliant texting app

1. Executed HIPAA regulations at different levels 

We have executed HIPAA’s technical and administrative regulations at both IT infrastructure and back-office levels. 

Apart from this, we also carry out a HIPAA audit every 6 months to make sure that there is no newly evolved privacy or security concern in our HIPAA-compliant texting app.

Because HIPAA regulations have been drafted in such a way that by following those guidelines, you automatically make your IT infrastructure secure and private. 

2. Carried out PIA 

PIA (Privacy Impact Assessment) is all about discovering the privacy vulnerabilities your entire organization has. 

So, once you know the privacy vulnerabilities, you can easily fill those out and ensure secure back-office operations that directly influence the privacy of your tech infrastructure. 

3. Carried out TRA 

Unlike PIA, TRA (Threat and Risk Assessment) is exclusively carried out on the app or software to find out the privacy vulnerabilities that a particular app/software holds. 

(In many regions, PIA/TRA is mandatory under healthcare data privacy laws.) 

4. Implemented HIPAA-compliant APIs only 

This is something that makes our white-label solution the best HIPAA-compliant texting app in the market.

We have only used HIPAA-compliant APIs to achieve more secure chat, voice call, and video call functionalities. 

This reduces the chances of several security and privacy risks. 

5. It is hosted in HIPAA compliant cloud

Just like API, it is also important to have HIPAA-compliant cloud storage.

Because it ensures more security for the app and its crucial data. 

This enables us to prevent intruders from accessing the app data through the privacy vulnerability that a cloud has.

A Few Things that Make Our Solution the Best HIPAA-Compliant Texting App in the Market

There are multiple HIPAA-compliant messaging apps available in the market. 

And there is also no doubt that each one of them is fully secure.

But when it comes to addressing the unique needs of patients and healthcare professionals, they all fail to decode it.

Because they have built the app with an approach to a ‘one-fits-all-solution’.

And one-fits-all-solution only works for a short period.

Meaning, that if you have a long-term vision with HIPAA HIPAA-compliant communication platform, you’ll never achieve your clinical and business goals with such platforms.

This is when our white-label solution comes to the rescue.

And the following are the reasons why it is the best solution for you.

1. Customize according to your need

Healthcare is totally different from the rest industry.

Because here, needs vary by each patient, provider, and organization.

Hence, we offer customization flexibility in our HIPAA secure text messaging app to let you get the app that works according to your needs.

And we are the only one in the market who is comfortable with such an approach.

2. It is also compliant with PHIPA and PIPEDA

Messaging apps supposed to be used in healthcare settings must address all healthcare privacy and security regulations. 

Unlike the rest, our ready-to-use app is not just compliant with HIPAA but also compliant with PHIPA and PIPEDA.

3. It meets Interoperability standards like FHIR and HL7

HIPAA-compliant texting apps for medical professionals and therapists must be able to work with other health tech systems such as – EMR/EHR, HIS, LIS, etc.

And it is important to have seamless and accurate data sharing between these two systems.

For that, achieving interoperability is crucial.

Because it ensures the highest level of data accuracy and seamless data transfer.

With our dedicated team of HL7 and FHIR consultants, we have achieved interoperability for our HIPAA-compliant texting app.

4. Have a user-friendly interface

UI/UX of any healthcare app must be easily accessible with large buttons, easily readable text, and voice control.

The Most Popular and Secure Messaging App 'JusTalk' and the Story of it Losing both ‘Popular’ and ‘Secure’ Thrones 

Imagine a messaging app having 20 million users. 

The major use cases of that app are chatting, voice calls, video calls, and image/video sharing. 

The best part, the app company claims that the app has end-to-end encryption, and only you and the person you are chatting with have access to your messages, images, and videos.  

But you know what, millions of messages just got leaked out of that most secure app!  

Here is what exactly got leaked online. 

  • Millions of JusTalk user messages
  • Precise date and time they were sent
  • The phone numbers of both the sender and recipient
  • Records of calls
  • Granular locations of thousands of users

We now have two questions for you. 

Question 1: As a user, would you dare to be the victim of this disaster? 

Question 2: As an app owner, would you dare to let your app be the victim of such a disaster? 

If your answer to these both questions is no, welcome to the club! 

We’re Exactly What You are Looking For: North American, Healthcare IT Company, Serving Healthcare Startups, Providers, and Enterprises 

We have a lot of other things to say. And this all ultimately benefits you only! 

We are a young team. And the best part of our team is, all have an intense level of passion for healthcare. 

Our team members include UI/UX designers, developers, business analysts, compliance specialists, DevOps engineers, QA engineers, and healthcare professionals. 

We have so far during the last 8+ years built several healthcare mobile/web apps ranging from telemedicine to mental health, skincare, senior care, and even chronic care. 

We have the vision to make healthcare affordable, rapid, and easier with the tech knowledge we are blessed with. 

The perfect fusion of clinical value and peace of mind is what we always deliver to our clients. 

And last but not least, we bet on the vision you are having, not the project size! 

So, let’s have a productive talk. (We don’t have salespeople. You will be directly talking to healthcare experts.)

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