Custom Hospital Automation Solution: Execute Clinical & Administrative Workflows the Way You Always Dream of

1 year ago

Automation in healthcare has the massive potential to create time for clinical and administrative staff by freeing them up from repetitive and tedious tasks. 

However, hospitals aren’t ready to adopt automation on a large scale because of these 2 reasons. 

  • Workflow automation solutions available in the market aren’t made specifically for automating hospital workflows. 
  • Automation solutions aren’t flexible enough to fit the existing technology infrastructure of the hospitals. 

To eliminate these challenges, a custom hospital automation solution is required. 

So, in this blog, we will discuss everything about a custom automation solution for hospitals and how we can help you. 

What is a Custom Hospital Workflow Automation Solution? 

Hospitals have multiple clinical and administrative workflows that require engagement from clinical & administrative staff as well as patients. 

These workflows include patient admission, appointment booking, data management, data extraction, reporting, patient discharge, medication management, billing, etc. 

So, a custom automation solution for hospitals automates all these workflows and free up staff performing those workflows manually. 

For instance, a software bot that is a part of the automation system which automatically collects the information from multiple sources and prepares a report on drugs, staff, appointments, finance, or anything. 

Here, it completes the report generation workflow faster and more accurately. 

Similarly, other software bots of the system or the same software bot but in its ideal state perform several other tasks - either after receiving a command from admin or at a scheduled time. 

So, this way, a custom hospital automation solution is made out of multiple software bots with a dashboard to track each software bot along with its tasks, state, and performance. 

The best thing about these software bots is that they are capable of automating any complex workflows.

The only limitation they have is that a single software bot can’t be used to automate 2 workflows at the same time.

In case you’re wondering, a software bot is a computer program, more specifically, an RPA program with the .exe extension which gets installed on your system. 

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is the most prominent technology used in workflow automation!

Value Propositions of Adopting Automation at Hospitals 

Automation gives you an edge over your competitors.

People say you can’t create time, but with automation, you can create time - by saving it.

Most importantly, automation gives you the ability to perform tasks without a workforce! 

The following are some other benefits of automation and why you must adopt it. 

  • Automation means accuracy! 

Errors are lethal in healthcare.

We, humans, are prone to errors - even in best-case scenarios.

Whereas, software bots are programmed.

They do exactly what the developers have programmed them for.

Resulting in 100% accuracy in what they deliver, continuously. 

  • Automation means cost-saving! 

Needless to say, every organization has some people whose work doesn’t really require the intellectual powers we humans are gifted with.

You can give these people an opportunity to invest their time in some meaningful work with automation.

Automation also helps you save costs that you have to bear due to human errors. 

  • Automation means a wonderful patient experience! 

Patient transfer generally takes hours due to poor collaboration and manual data entry.

With automation, the same workflow can be achieved within minutes which results in zero delays and a happy patient.

This is just one example of how automation makes patients happy. 

  • Automation means unburdened clinical staff!

Everyone knows that the clinical staff is very overburdened and staff shortage is making it worse.

One major reason behind overwhelmed clinical staff is the supporting tasks which includes manual data entry that they have to do by themselves.

An automation solution aids them by performing their time-consuming and repetitive tasks automatically. 

Case Studies of Hospitals which have Adopted Automation At a Medium-Large Scale 

No, you aren’t the first one.

Several hospitals across North America and Europe have already adopted automation.

The following are case studies of such 3 hospitals. 

Case study #1: 

Norway’s Helse Vest deploys automation to reduce the extra burden, their doctors and nurses had been experiencing. 

Thanks to the custom automation solution, Helse Vest now only requires 2 minutes for data registration of patients which used to take 10 minutes before the deployment of automation. 

By saving 8 minutes on each patient data entry, Helse Vest saves 14K hours of doctors and nurses annually which is equivalent to saving $550,000 annually! 

You can read the entire case study here 

Case study #2: 

A very large European hospital manages to drag paperwork completely out of its workflows to derive benefits such as high productivity, efficiency, and accuracy. 

The hospital has automated some very complex workflows such as all HR processes, theatre notes, and waiting lists. 

However, instead of a custom automation solution, they have used a 3rd party workflow automation tool. 

You can read the entire case study here 

Case study #3:

This time, let us share a video.

Different Clinical and Administrative Workflows We Can Help You Automate 

Picking up the right workflow is crucial because not all workflows are meant to be automated.

In a different context,

Not all workflows can be automated with the traditional approach. 

To help you understand more about hospital workflow automation, let us add one important thing here. 

Generally, it is feasible to automate only workflows with fixed input and output.

To automate dynamic processes with no fixed input and output, we have to utilize AI & machine learning technology, which is called cognitive automation.

So, using our expertise in basic automation and cognitive automation, we can automate the following hospital workflows. 

  • Patient admission 
  • Appointment booking and management 
  • EMR/EHR data entry 
  • Data extraction from EMR/EHR 
  • Patient transfer 
  • Patient discharge 
  • Patient follow up 
  • Reporting 
  • Billing 
  • Medication management and documentation
  • HR operations 
  • Inventory management
  • Staff management 

Let's Talk Opportunities and Execution!

We’re an Ontario-based healthcare-focused IT company with the ultimate expertise in healthcare automation. 

We have in the past automated several complex healthcare processes and left an impact on every one of us as healthcare belongs to us all. 

Because of our custom RPA-based automation solution, our clients - hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies - are annually saving 10000+ clinical hours and delivering an outstanding experience to their patients. 

Our automation team includes developers, designers, RPA engineers, and RPA R&D engineers who have been dealing with healthcare automation for 8+ years. 

Because of our healthcare-specific experience and expertise, we are always in the state where we work on healthcare projects with ultimate clarity, a patient-focused vision, and solid passion which is rare to find. 

So let’s have an ‘opportunity’ call if you are looking for a tech company who is as passionate about healthcare as you!