5 Medication Tracker Templates & How to Create Your Own Custom Medication Tracker (Live Demo)

12 months ago

We know that managing medication is not just limited to giving a pill!

It is an important process to look after the health and safety of your patients.

And we also know that it's not easy for you to manage the medication of all the patients on the same page.

So, how to handle it effectively?

The answer is – a medication tracker template!

It helps in managing the medication in a faster and easiest manner for both providers and patients.

In fact, it adds an extra layer of safety to patients' health and peace of mind to healthcare professionals.

So, in this blog, we’ll cover 5 medication tracker printables that are made and verified by professionals.

Also, we’ll even share a screenshot of our medication tracker app and show you how it can save you almost 70% of the time.

What is a medication tracker template?

It is one type of customizable document that allows you to set up, edit, and manage individual or multiple patients’ medication logs from the same place.

Medication tracker printables are commonly designed as a table.

And it comes up with different types of fields such as:

  • Medication description
  • Time of day they need to take medication
  • Dosage

For a better understanding, here is the most commonly used template for the medication tracker.

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Benefits of creating medication tracker templates

Let’s understand with a simple example.

If you don’t use the template, every time you have to create a medication chart on blank paper or a document.

(Just as shown in the above image)

This is a time-consuming and boring process while at the same time – costlier.

But if you use a template, you can skip this entire step because it already has a built-in table.

What you’ll need to do is – start typing in the document.

This means, the printable medication tracker

  • Speeds up the process of creating a chart
  • Gives consistency and peace of mind

Apart from that, here are its other benefits.

1. It lowers the chances of manual errors.

But how?

Because it has a standardized format.

Meaning, you and your other healthcare staff will use the same medication chart.

And because it gives you an identical format – reviewing, editing, and managing medication will be much easier for every medical staff.

2. Helps in improving the standard of care.

The template allows you to organize the patient's medication information professionally and accurately.

As a result, it helps you –

  • Make sure that the patient is taking all the medication regularly
  • Get a clear review of the dosage
  • Track the side effects of the medications
  • Find drug interactions if the patient is taking multiple medications

3. It facilitates communication.

Medication tracker templates provide a clear and standardized format for sharing information among healthcare providers, caregivers, and patients.

This means the templates ensure that everyone involved is on the same page regarding medication schedules and dosages.

4. It assists in the early detection of diseases.

Templates ensure consistent documentation of medication intake and any related observations or side effects.

By tracking this information over time, healthcare professionals can quickly identify patterns or potential issues.

This means it enables timely interventions and adjustments to treatment plans.

5. It ensures legal and regulatory compliance.

Medication tracker templates assist in maintaining accurate records that comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

If at all there’re audits or legal inquiries, well-documented medication information helps healthcare facilities demonstrate due diligence and adherence to protocols.

5 best medication tracker templates for faster, more efficient, and accurate practices

From simple charts to some innovative ones, there are several options out there.

1. Simple medication tracker printable:

Medication tracker template 2

It is a simple and easy-to-use medication chart template for weekly tracking.

But when to use it?

If you have fewer patients or medication data then this template is the simplest way to manage it.

2. Monthly medication tracker template:

This template is perfect for you – if you want to organize the monthly data of the patient in a single place.

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3. Detailed medication log:

This is one of the best medication tracker templates on this list.

But why?

Because it helps you organize almost everything in one place.

From a medication name and dosages to a pharmacy phone number and remarks, you can manage it all with less effort.

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4. Administration medication records:

This template is only for administrative work.

And at some point, it is difficult to understand because it serves multiple-purpose information in one place.

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5. Daily medication log:

In many cases, it becomes important to track the daily medication data of the patients.

At that time, this template gives you a 360-degree view of every small detail.

From the time to take medication to the staff member who initiates the medication, you can explore everything in the same place.

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How to create your custom medication tracker?

Templates are a great way to create, edit, and track patient medication quickly and accurately.

Because they provide you with a basic structure so that you don’t need to create a chart from scratch.

But what if the structure is not suitable for you and your patient's needs?

You have to make a custom template that meets your medication tracker plan, right?

And if you have never created one from scratch, this is the question of the hour!

But luckily, we have already listed the top 3 ways to create a custom medication tracker.

1. Pen and paper:

This is the most common method to create a custom medication tracker template.

What you need to do is – just create a structure or table as per your requirements.

However, this process requires a lot of time as you need to do everything manually.

Not only this, the chances are higher for tons of errors in your medication tracker which can affect the patient safety and overall care experience.

2. Excel sheet:

If you search on Google about “medication tracker using Excel”, you’ll find several ready-to-use Excel sheet templates.

What you need to do is – download it and customize it as much as you want.

And it is the best option if your team size is small.

But what if your team size is large?

It’ll never deliver the value that a large-scale healthcare organization needs.

Because the Excel sheet comes up with an inefficient workflow which is not ideal for the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) of the organization.

Also, the chances are higher of manual errors if more than one user is working on the same sheet.

So, what’s the best solution here?

3. Our no-code white-label medication tracker app!

Our white-label no-code checklist maker has the huge potential to fulfill your every medication tracker need.

But how?

First, it’s a healthcare-specific no-code checklist maker which you can use for any of the use cases including a medication tracker.

Second, it’s HIPAA-compliant. So there is no need to worry about data privacy and security concerns.

The third and most important one – it lowers the medication tracker time up to 70% for any size of healthcare setting.

Don’t believe it?

Let’s understand it by creating a custom checklist or tracker for medication using the no-code capabilities of our checklist application builder.

(Note: These are not the final image of the app. This is what we have created recently. And we customize it as per the unique workflow needs of the clients.)

Here is the dashboard in which you can manage all the checklists you have already created.

Medication tracker template examples

For example –

  • Review who last updated the checklist along with its date 
  • See patients whom you shared with checklists
  • Manage on and off status
  • Take actions like editing and deleting checklists 
  • Control user permissions

And to create a new one, just click on the “add checklist”.

To create a new checklist, there are 6 steps you need to complete.

Step-1: Give a checklist name

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This will help the patients and other medical staff to understand what this checklist is all about.

For example, let’s give this checklist a name like “medication”.

You can also write a description regarding the checklist.

Step-2: Name the fields

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Here you need to configure the field label as per your medication tracker needs.

For example, you can name fields like dosage, time, date, remarks, and feedback.

Step-3: Give it status

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There are a total of 3 options to create a status.

Single status: It allows your users/patients only to use one status at a time. 

Multiple statuses: Here, a user can use multiple statuses at a time. This means, if the patient has missed medication due to some concern, he or she can use two statuses for it such as ‘Missed’ and ‘Refill required’.

Single & multiple status: It is the combination of both single and multiple statuses.

Step-4: Status configuration

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Here you can configure the status like ‘missed’, ‘taken’, ‘doubt’, ‘refill required’ etc.

It also enables you to select whether your patients can update the status of medication even after the day he/she is supposed to take that medicine is over.

You can even configure the number of days you would like to allow patients to update the status after the day he/she is supposed to take that medicine is over. 

Step-5: Shared with patients

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Now, you can share the checklist with your patients. Not only this but you can set the permissions they would have. 

Step 6: Review and Confirm 

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In this final step, you can validate whatever you have added in steps 1-5 and confirm it to create a checklist for the medication tracker. 

The created checklist would look something like this to your and your patients. 

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Now, from here, you can add each medication name, give it tags, and select the days the patient is supposed to take it. 

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It is worth mentioning that patients also have their dashboard from where they can find this medical tracker and update the status.

The best thing is, they can even comment separately on each medicine and ask related questions to the providers.

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If you are interested to know more about this epic no-code healthcare-specific checklist maker, let us know your interest. 

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