AI-Based Skin Checking App: Working, Technical, Business Overview

11 months ago

In the next 3 minutes, you’ll know how an AI-based skin-checking app can help in –

  • Monitoring skin health
  • Saving lives by detecting skin cancer
  • Supporting dermatologists in providing rapid and ideal care

What is an AI-Based Skin Checking App?

It’s an app that uses artificial intelligence concepts to let patients check their skin condition using their mobile camera – at any time from anywhere.

And below image is the perfect example of an AI dermatology app.

AI-based skin checking app

How Does the AI Dermatology App Work?

AI skin scanner app helps patients check their skin health condition in just a few steps.

First, you need to take a close-up photo of the skin mark just as shown in the below image.

Take a close-up photo of the skin

After that, you need to submit some information such as –

  • Skin type
  • How long you have had a skin issue
  • Description of the skin issue
  • How the affected area feels
Review and submit the photo

Now, the AI algorithm will analyze the information you have submitted.

Analyzing the skin photo

Once it has been done, it’ll show you the ideal possibilities for your skincare issues.

Sugessted conditions

What’s more, the AI-based skin-checking app also shows detailed information about each possible symptom.

Detailed information about the symptoms
*Source of screenshots:

But remember, the AI shows the possible matching condition. Not an exact condition.

This is where a dermatologist comes into the picture.

From the skin scanner app, you can also share those data with dermatologists for further analysis or diagnosis.

This helps you identify the exact skincare condition without stepping out of your comfort zone!

Our other useful resources on AI:

Top 4 Examples of AI Skin Scanner Apps

To help you better understand the concept of AI in skincare, here is the list of top AI-based skin-checking apps.

1. AI dermatologist

In just 3 simple steps, this app allows the user to get nearly accurate information regarding their skin issue or symptoms.

In fact, it is not just limited to skin checking! 

But it also helps the user to create and track their skincare routines with ease.

AI dermatologist

2. Piction Health

It’s an AI dermatology app that assists dermatologists in improving their care practices – by saving time and overall operating costs.

Piction Health

3. AI-based dermatology tool by Google

AI-based dermatology tool by Google

4. AIP Derm

It’s a Hungary-based startup that helps the user get a skin diagnosis assistant for several skin-related issues.

What they need to do is – 

  • Take a high-quality image
  • Answer a few questions
  • Submit it to the app

As per the data you shared, the certified dermatologist will provide the prescription or refer you to the nearest clinic or hospital in case of a serious condition.

AIP Derm

Why Developing an AI-based Skin Checking App is Worth Investing in? 

Because it gives tons of benefits whether it's about clinical practices or in terms of business.

For a better understanding, here is a complete clinical and business overview of the AI skin scanner app.

Clinical overview:

The problem:

  • Out of 1.2 Trillion Google searches a year – 10 Billion are only related to skin, hair, and nail issues.
  • Around 2.3 billion people in the world seek help for skin issues every year!
  • Skin disease costs the US healthcare system $75 billion a year. (Source)
  • “More than 2 people die of skin cancer in the U.S. every hour.” (Source)

The challenge:

  • “Medical specialties, such as dermatology, are expected to see a shortage ranging from 3,800 to 13,400 physicians.” (Source)
  • Skin diseases vary by skin colour, body type, and many other aspects.
  • There are over 3000+ skin diseases.

But an AI-based skin disease-checking app has huge potential to solve all these problems and challenges.


1. It’s a smart solution.

It is built with the help of powerful AI algorithms.

Which uses larger-scale clinical data to provide a possible skin condition without any hassle.

Moreover, it helps dermatologists to speed up their care delivery without compromising the quality of care.

2. It comes with convenience.

In just nearly 2 steps, the AI skin scanner app allows the person to identify their skin condition along with detailed information about it.

This helps them with – when to contact and whom to contact regarding their skin-related issue.

3. It is easily accessible.

No need for an appointment booking.

No need to wait for several days for an appointment.

No need to travel to the dermatology clinic.

Using an app, patients can check their skin condition – at any time from anywhere within 1 minute!

4. It's an affordable solution for the patient.

The app allows patients to check their skin health from their comfort zone.

This eliminates the need to travel to the dermatology clinic which saves their valuable time and lowers their spending on their skin health.

Overall, with the AI-based skin-checking app, you can bring peace of mind into the lives of both patients and dermatologists – without compromising the quality of care and healthcare costs.

Business Overview:

There is a huge shortage of qualified dermatology specialists at a global level.

Because of that reason, patients need to wait several days or sometimes a month to get a live-in person visit.

This much wait time can result in life-threatening situations – if the symptoms are the early-stage signs of skin cancer.

But with the rising adoption of digital health solutions, patients are now preferring online dermatology apps for their various skin-related concerns.

And with an AI-based skin-checking app, you can attract those patients to help them make better decisions regarding their skin issues.

Besides, if you look around, there is a smaller number of startups that focus on AI skin scanner apps.

Meaning, it’s a perfect opportunity for you to build a strong market presence in this rising adoption of digital skincare health solutions.

Want to Build an AI-based Skin Checking or Dermatology App? We have a Proven Mastership in the same!

We are an Ontario-based healthcare-specific IT company.

And we have 3Es that will help you achieve your clinical and business goals hassle-free.


For the past 8+ years, we have been performing only healthcare-specific IT solutions for startups, enterprises, organizations, and individuals.


We are not just limited to the North American market.

But we have successfully helped our clients from the UK, Africa, Australia, and Asia with their business, technical, and compliance requirements.

Meaning, that we have a comprehensive understanding – of what works and what does not for any regional market!


We have a visionary team of 50+ IT professionals.

And each one of them is healthcare-specific.

In other words, they have been performing health tech solutions since the first day of their professional careers.

It includes AI, ML & DL specialists, RPA experts, web and mobile app developers, UI/UX designers, business analysts, compliance specialists, and QA engineers.

So, if you want to bring the power of AI in skin care, let’s conduct a call and talk about the most fruitful path for it!