Build Secure Medical Imaging Sharing Platform Like PocketHealth Which has Recently Raised $20M

3 years ago

As a healthcare-focused IT company, we comprehend that the medical field involves so many complex procedures.

To make that process simple and convincing, medical professionals must go through the patient's medical records and a detailed analysis of the various diseases.

For that, healthcare professionals are utilizing data such as imaging records, and videos to deliver more quality care for the patient's health concerns.

But the primary challenge here is – complex access and insecure data sharing solutions for the patient imaging records.

To accomplish that, you have to build a medical imaging platform like PocketHealth.

A medical imaging platform enables patients to store and share their imaging records with a healthcare expert.

In other words, there is no need to share CDs, DVDs, and USBs with physicians for imaging records and vice versa.

Recently, Toronto-based PocketHealth raised $20M CAD for its medical imaging solution.

So, what is PocketHealth? Let’s discover.

What is PocketHealth?

PocketHealth is the medical imaging platform that enables a patient to store and share the imaging health records with a certified physician.

In healthcare, understanding the patient's imaging information is an essential thing for the medical expert to diagnose a patient with suitable care.

Using PocketHealth, patients can simply share their imaging records with healthcare specialists which enable medical experts to easily understand the patient's condition from anywhere on their mobile.

In other words, patients can store, access, and share their medical imaging most securely with the help of PocketHealth at any time and anywhere.

How does PocketHealth work as a medical imaging solution?

In medical imaging, DCOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) is the standard for the imaging file format.

PocketHealth enables any DCOM file and radiology file format such as HL7 and PDF for storage.

With that, PocketHealth allows a patient to store and share any type of medical imaging with the physician such as – CT scans, MRIs, Ultrasounds, and X-rays.

In PocketHealth, accessing and sharing the imaging records is simple.

Let’s assume a scenario in which you are the patient.

  • You have to create an account as per the imaging center guidelines.
  • Once you complete your profile, images and reports will appear on your account.
  • You can access the imaging records from any device, anywhere.
  • Share your imaging and records with the certified physicians via email, Fax, and print.
  • Permanent storage of the imaging records with “bank-level encryption technology”.

Know how PatientHealth is beneficial for care providers.

  • It completely eliminates CDs, DVDs, and USBs from the provider workflow.
  • Care providers can access and share patient imaging at any time, anywhere.
  • Seamlessly and securely share the patient imaging records with the other network.
  • FDA certified and zero-footprint viewer for the medical expert to view the patient imaging records.

What features are there in PocketHealth?

PocketHealth delivers secure imaging records sharing with any – patient, provider, and network.

For that, they provide features such as,

1. PocketHealth for patients:

  • Permanent access to the medical imaging history
  • Unlimited data sharing with the medical expert
  • Share imaging records via – email, Fax, and print
  • 24/7 patient support
  • Strong account control
  • Data privacy as per the HIPAA and PHIPA compliance standards
  • Bank-level encryption technology for the data
  • Seamless connection with a medical expert

2. Pockethealth for providers and enterprises:

  • Dedicated and secure account management
  • Medical staff training 
  • Create customize outreach plan for the patient
  • Track ROI with the help of detailed reporting
  • 24/7 technical support
  • Share patient imaging records with the other providers
  • Request for the imaging from any other medical professional
  • Compliance and security audit trials
  • Customized analytics to track all the patient imaging records
  • Custom rules for inbound data

What is the future plan of PocketHealth?

“PocketHealth is used by over 600,000 patients and 550 healthcare facilities across North America”.

They deliver personalized healthcare services which give patients control of their medical data.

As a medical imaging solution, its primary focus is to improve the patient care experience in radiology as well as want to expand its reach in the USA.

Right now, PocketHealth is serving clinics and small hospitals in the USA.

For the next year, PocketHealth is aiming to expand its services in the larger healthcare system by doubling its working team.

How does a medical imaging platform transfer the patient imaging records?

Patient medical information and data privacy are crucial aspects of the healthcare industry.

To deliver a more quality care experience, patient health records need to be accurate, secure, and easily accessible.

In other words, seamless data exchange is must-needed.

Though PocketHealth does not share its tech stack, we believe that the integration of LIMS and EHR with its app is used for imaging data exchange.

LIMS helps to create an efficient workflow while EHR is useful for data exchange in a bi-directional manner. 

With a bi-directional imaging data exchange – patients, physicians, and laboratories can effortlessly transfer imaging records and health reports with each other.

The importance of the medical imaging solution in healthcare

When it comes to healthcare, technology plays a vital role in the development of effective medical solutions for various diseases, especially in radiology.

In cancer treatment, the use of a medical imaging platform can save a lot of time for the patient and medical specialist because of the secure access to the medical reports at any time, anywhere.

As a result, physicians can simply focus on the quality of treatment for the patient's health condition and also analyze the patient's medical history from their mobile.

Apart from that, it gives benefits such as,

  • Simple access to patient medical imaging without wasting time on CDs, DVDs, and USBs.
  • Enhance patient care experience
  • Secure data sharing ecosystem
  • It engages patients in their care experience 
  • Secure medical imaging and reports storage with data privacy

Why should you build a medical imaging platform like PocketHealth?

The medical imaging platform solves a lot of complicated healthcare challenges which directly plays a major role in patient quality care.

As a result, it is beneficial for both patients and healthcare experts.

Thus, the medical imaging platform ensures a high ROI possibility.

In other words, “it’s a business opportunity”.

And here are some of the benefits of building a medical imaging platform like PocketHealth.

  • Simple access and secure medical imaging sharing for both patients and healthcare professionals.
  • More satisfactory communication between patients and physicians
  • Unlimited file sharing attracts more patients and care providers
  • Permanent data storage for the images, reports, and prescription
  • More patient-centric treatment
  • Chance to acquire more patients with the 24/7 patient support
  • Competition is lower in the market for medical imaging platform

So, want to build a medical imaging platform like PocketHealth?

You are in the right direction!

We deliver convincing healthcare IT solutions (Our expertise allows us to do it!)

We are an Ontario-based healthcare IT company.

We said “convincing solution” because healthcare IT is the only thing we have been doing for the past 7+ years.

We aren’t claiming to be the best, but our approach to delivering the healthcare IT solution is distinct from the rest.

As healthcare IT experts, we assist healthcare start-ups, individuals healthcare professionals, hospitals, clinics, and healthcare businesses to dominate their competitors.

Our dedicated team and experienced team includes – healthcare professionals, UI/UX designers, web and app developers, compliance specialists, business analysts, and QA engineers.

In other words, we are creative enough to help you with your technical, business, and compliance needs.

You must also read - What is a medical imaging solution?